< Daily Devotions

Trust in Truth

September 29, 2022
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Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32, NIV)

No lack of advice is available to golfers in search of a better game. Every day we can view instructional videos and internet opinion pieces or find someone around to offer personal advice about our game.

We ignore most of these tips but still wonder what it might take to get better. Most of us decide we need to seek help from someone we trust who knows what they are talking about. An expert teacher would be our most trusted source if we can find one.

This same truth applies to our life as well. If we really want to know how to live a Christ-honoring life, we should seek an expert who knows more than we do. It makes sense to seek the wisdom of the One who made us.

God, who knew us before we were born, seeks our best good. How can we find him? In truth, he finds us. He places people and situations in our path to cause us seek him. These events will remind us we are not in control and  desperately need to find the one who is.

The Holy Spirit draws us to God and presents us with unavoidable truth. We will learn we are separated from God and need to be reconnected to him. The Spirit reveals that he has made a way for that connection to happen through the death and resurrection of his Son, Jesus.

The only requirement on our part to access the God of the universe is to trust in his Son, Jesus. We don’t need money, power, talent, or effort to be righteous. We simply need to trust in the finished work of Jesus.

We can run after help in a lot of different ways, but truth can only be found in a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. When we trust in him, we will know the truth, and it will  free us to live a righteous life.

We can search the ends of the earth to find the truth about who and what we are, but the answer to the most important question is neither at the end of the earth nor in the mind of a great human teacher.

God’s saving grace is the greatest truth of all. It remains free for all who will receive it. This beacon of light will help us sort out everything else we need to know about being human.

Prayer:  Father, help us to trust that you know what is best for us and that we are only truly free to be our best self when we are connected to you.

Linda Ballard
Pub Date: September 29, 2022

About The Author

Linda Ballard is a practicing emergency medical physician from Oklahoma. She enjoys her work as a doctor but still finds time to play lots of golf as an amateur. Her relationship to Jesus is her first love and her greatest desire is to serve him in the Emergency Department, on the golf course, and through his call to write.

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