< Daily Devotions


August 11, 2022
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But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31,” NIV) 

It is hot here in Oklahoma. Highs reach the low 100’s, and playing golf is tough under those conditions. It takes enormous effort to focus on the game when your body is telling you to get out of the heat. The only way to prevail is to take care of the most important things first.  Keeping hydrated, wearing a hat to protect your head, and having a towel to keep your face and hands as dry as possible helps.

Our life here on earth is sometimes just as hard, as we experience the intense heat of a sinful world. What things can we do as believers to help us accomplish what God wants when the conditions around us are anything but easy?

Our verse for today gives us a great idea. As believers in Jesus, our hope is in Him. What can we expect if our hope is in the Lord? We can expect power to get done what we are called to do.

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The most important thing to remember is that our strength and power originate in our connection to God.
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Almost all of us have more to do that we think we can possibly get done. Some of us are getting older and, even though our spirit is willing, our bodies often rebel against us.  Some may be younger and physically able but find it hard to have the vision and determination to see past the momentary distractions that hinder their life.  Everyone has excuses not to get done what God has called us to do.

Yet we are called as believers in Jesus to live a life of purpose that will bring glory to God. How can we both know what we are supposed to be doing and then actually get it done? When the heat is on, how prepared are we to run the race and finish the round that God has set before us?

The most important thing to remember is that our strength and power originate in our connection to God. What we often forget is that a lot of what we are trying to do has nothing to do with pleasing God. We need to get up in the air like eagles and soar over our choices. Eagles can see for miles and have perfect vision. They can see a small prey from high in the sky and they take dead aim to capture it.

We need that mile-high view of what really matters in our life and focus on those things that have eternal value—things like loving God, loving others well, being kind and aware of those around us, and taking care of what we have been blessed with. All these things have eternal value.

The promise of God is that he will renew our strength (give us power), allow us to soar like eagles (give us vision and perspective), and give us the ability to run and not grow weary (speed and endurance). And when we grow old, he will give us the power to walk and not faint. Our hope is that God promises continuing mercy and grace for all the days of our life.

Hot or not, we still are in a race to the end. Our race is impossible to finish on our own but completely doable if we are trusting in the power of the One who has called us to run it.\

Prayer:  Father, thank you for equipping us to accomplish what you have for us to do in the face of all opposition. Amen.

Linda Ballard
Pub Date: August 11, 2022

About The Author

Linda Ballard is a practicing emergency medical physician from Oklahoma. She enjoys her work as a doctor but still finds time to play lots of golf as an amateur. Her relationship to Jesus is her first love and her greatest desire is to serve him in the Emergency Department, on the golf course, and through his call to write.

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