< Daily Devotions

Four Things

August 4, 2022
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Come, my children, and listen to me, and I will teach you to fear the Lord. Does anyone want to live a life that is long and prosperous? Then keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies! Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it. (Psalm 34:11-14 NLT)

I opened the back hatch to start unloading my car and paused to get a sense of the layout. The sky threatened thunderstorms, but I repeated, “This is Michigan where the weather can flip in a minute.” My heart settled seeing the high school kids pulling carts out. Mick bounded up the steps ready to help set the tables where I wanted them. The five months of preparation for this one day was coming to fruition.

After getting my volunteers settled with their duties, I turned my attention to connecting with participants and the lady professionals who were the anchors for my annual pro-am fundraiser. There was nothing left to do except play golf and enjoy the day.

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As I pondered my feeling of awe, my thoughts turned to two things that King Solomon concludes about life: “Fear God and keep his commandments.” This is to be our response not just when life works in our favor, but all the time.
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Four and half hours later, I walked around the room experiencing smiles and laughter. Joy was present and I felt a sense of awe. I do this event to benefit the non-profit, but the sponsors, friends, and pros were there to support me too. The day was perfect and God’s provision for the work he has laid on my heart was evident.

When circumstances go our way, it’s easy to exhibit healthy behaviors. But what about when life turns hard and is exhausting?

As I pondered my feeling of awe, my thoughts turned to two things that King Solomon concludes about life: “Fear God and keep his commandments.” This is to be our response not just when life works in our favor, but all the time.

In the 34th Psalm, King David reveals four things that lead to fear (awe) of the Lord and help us keep his commandments.

Keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Ouch! The words we speak have the power to bless or curse. The way we speak about or toward others, and what we say to ourselves reveals the state of our hearts.

Turn away from evil. It is easy to fall prey to anger, jealousy, self-pity, pride, unforgiveness, bitterness, and more. We must practice putting on compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, bear with one another, and most of all put on love (Colossians 3:12-13 ESV).

Do good. Deal rightly and justly with others. Help others feel valued and cared for, including yourself.

Seek peace and pursue it. We are not to compromise values or morals for peace but pursuing peace might mean agreeing to disagree with another person. Gratitude is the doorway to joy and joy is a forerunner of peace.

Let us consider these four admonitions with honest reflection. They are the pillars to live a life that is long, prosperous, and rooted in Jesus. And a life-long process.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, help us to pursue truth in our own lives and seek to fear you and follow your commandments. Help us bridle our tongues, turn away from evil, do good, and pursue peace.

Tracy Hanson
Pub Date: August 4, 2022

About The Author

Tracy Hanson has been on staff with LPI since 2015. She is a LPGA Tour professional (1995-2009). She spends her time ministering to golfers and to people suffering harm (via Tracy Hanson Initiative). She lives in Michigan and supports all of the Links Players region directors.

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