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Be Still

June 9, 2022
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Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. (Psalm 37:7-9, NIV)

Noise can be a huge distraction for a golfer. When a player is focused on the putt in front of them and is disturbed by a roar on a nearby hole, they normally stop and start over again. It is one of the courtesies of golf that we don’t talk while someone else is putting. We try to be still and not be a distraction to others.\

It is noisy out there in the world. We are bombarded with those yelling to support their various position, which is often not what we would choose to support. How can we deal with the distraction of a noisy world that strives to force us to listen and accept what they want us to believe? As believers in Jesus, what is our righteous response to those who would try to disturb our peace with the deafening noise of sinful behavior?

Our verse for today gives us a good answer.  When we are distracted by the noise of a sinful world, the psalmist says we should be quiet and redirect our thoughts to the one who has saved us. We are instructed to wait patiently for God to work and not get caught up in fretting about what other people are saying and doing.

We are not to respond in kind by being louder and louder with our own opinions in order to change someone else’s behavior. That reaction just creates more noise and makes things worse.

The world desperately needs Jesus to help them know the difference between right and wrong. Jesus made the audacious claim that he is the truth. Truth can only be found where he deposited it—in Scripture and in trusting him. The world will become darker as the wicked carry out their evil schemes unless we as believers seek the quiet stillness before our maker and wait patiently for him to do his work.

We know that evil will ultimately be destroyed and that those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land. That truth is a reassuring, but it is the hope we can hang on to as the noise level continues to rise around us. We wait on God, he directs our steps and gives us the words by which people can be changed. We know that is true because he has changed us.

When it seems like the evil ones are winning the battle, we must become still to receive the power and reassurance that only God can give us. Jesus has won the battle, and one day, we will see a world where truth will rule the day. In the meantime, our job is to trust in the only one who can quiet the storm and silence the noise.

Prayer: Father, help us to trust in you to control the world around us. Help us to be still and listen for your voice to help us navigate the noisy world we live in. We need your help now m

Linda Ballard
Pub Date: June 9, 2022

About The Author

Linda Ballard is a practicing emergency medical physician from Oklahoma. She enjoys her work as a doctor but still finds time to play lots of golf as an amateur. Her relationship to Jesus is her first love and her greatest desire is to serve him in the Emergency Department, on the golf course, and through his call to write.

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