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Do What It Says

May 4, 2022
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In the same way, faith also, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself. (James 2:17, NASB)

Faith and works. The topic makes for a good golf analogy. I have faith that I can play better golf; I just never do. I want to play better golf, but I am not sure I want to spend the time, effort, and money to do so.

Likewise, I want to be a better follower of Jesus, but I forget to follow through and do what I say I believe, because it takes time and effort and may cost me something. Can you relate?

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Faith in Jesus comes first and is essential. Only then will I begin to do what he says because I have grown to understand how much he has done for us.

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Let’s be clear about faith and works. Our works will never save us. But when we have rock-solid faith in Jesus and what he has already done for us, our natural response will be to work because of our faith. The more I know Christ, the more I desire to make him known to others. The more I make him known to others, the more I will know him and his love for us.

Faith in Jesus comes first and is essential. Only then will I begin to do what he says because I have grown to understand how much he has done for us.

A friend of mine volunteers in our church and is stationed in the information booth each Sunday. Visitors and others come to ask questions about the church and how to find the various life groups. I love going up to him every week asking the same question, “How do you get to heaven?” He always smiles and repeats the same answer every time, “Read the New Testament. Trust Jesus. Do what it says.”

Our pastor used this metaphor in a recent sermon. He told his daughter to clean her room. Three days later, he asked again, “Did you clean your room?” She joyfully exclaimed, “I have memorized it. I found the meaning of the word clean in the original Greek text and also read commentaries on understanding the word room. Yes, I love this study.”

My good friend, Jeff, has memorized every word of the book of James, all five chapters. I have seen him deliver this powerful message in major churches from the pulpit and also in a cemetery in the middle of a golf course in Utopia, Texas. It is powerful to hear this recited just as if James were speaking directly to us. Jeff then admits, “I just wish I could actually live the words I have memorized better.” Don’t we all?

I gravitate toward men and women who are actually living out their faith in the arena of ministry. We must admit and understand that we are all involved in ministry. If we want to get better at golf, we must sign up and play in some meaningful tournaments. If we want to get better in ministry, our response should be to get off the couch and go serve meals for the homeless or some other meaningful ministry.

We only have so many chances to respond and do what the Bible says. Now is that time.

Closing prayer – Lord, embolden us to step out in faith and actually do what we say we believe. You have assured us that you will be with us along the way.

Pub Date: May 4, 2022

About The Author

Randy Wolff served for many years as a Links Players region director. Now retired, he has experience as a PGA Tour professional, businessman, and family man.

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