< Daily Devotions

Repairing Ball Marks

December 1, 2021

If you do these things, your salvation will come like the dawn; yes, your healing will come quickly.  Your godliness will lead you forward, and the LORD will protect you from behind. (Isaiah 58:8, NLT)

The governing bodies of golf have always encouraged proper course etiquette. Official USGA rules penalize a player when the rules are violated. Unfortunately, there are no penalties for forgetting to fill your divots, failing to repair your ball marks, or neglecting to rake the traps. My hunch is that the superintendent at your local golf course would like to assess you a penalty for each of these transgressions.

Did you know repairing a divot in the fairway or pitch mark on the green expedites the time it takes to heal by 70%?  Golf is growing. In 2019, there were twenty-four million golfers in the United States. Since 2020, golf has exploded. With that growth comes more wear and tear on our courses.

This passage in Isaiah speaks to our journey in life. If we do the things that God requires—like addressing sin (filling divots), reconciling an estranged relationship (repairing ball marks), and proactively developing your prayer life (raking traps), we will heal much faster.

It’s true that the Father promises to lead us through this life and eventually guide us safely to our heavenly home. It is also gloriously true that God promises to navigate us through the tribulations of this world.

Being a great witness at your golf club begins by living in such a way that our lives become attractiveHowever, it is also obviously true that he requires we follow him in obedient trust. Because we sin and fall short of his glory, he requires that we do our part in the journey by repenting and trusting. As the great Reformer Martin Luther said, “the entire Christian life is a life of repentance.” That is, repentance is not merely something we do at the beginning of the journey; it’s something we practice all the way home.

Jesus died to atone for sin. Scripture has no ambiguity about this fact. However, it forces a question on all of us—how can anyone appropriate this gift for themselves? The answer is equally clear. Anyone who desires forgiveness and healing must repent and believe in Jesus. Out of this humility comes obedience and growth.

Our superintendents do their part, and we must do our part. In like manner, Jesus has done and is doing his part by calling you to himself. But we must do our part by believing and following.

Being a great witness at your golf club begins by living in such a way that our lives become attractive. One way this occurs is by demonstrating proper etiquette on and off the golf course. Wouldn’t it be great if the head pro or superintendent said to other members, “you know So-and-So is a great example to all of us in golf course etiquette”?

Wouldn’t it be greater still if God the Father said of us, “Well done, my son; way to live a life worthy of my Son’s death and resurrection!”

A great testimony for any Links Player can begin by observing proper golf course etiquette! Let’s be those shining lights at clubs across the world.

Dereck Wong
December 1, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at Links Players

Photo by Kara Grubis from iStock

Links Players
Pub Date: December 1, 2021

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.