< Daily Devotions

Despite Your Age

June 14, 2021

Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, “Will a child be born to a man a hundred years old? And will Sarah, who is ninety years old, give birth to a child?” (Genesis 17:17, NASB)

Phil Mickelson, who will turn 51 this week, won the PGA Championship last month to become the oldest golfer to win a major. This is arguably one of the greatest feats in golf history, and it was clearly celebrated by the entire sports community.

Mickelson’s legacy as a one of the game’s greats was not dependent on winning another major, but this sixth major win put him in elite company with legends like Lee Trevino and Nick Faldo.

Imagine, however, if this had been Mickelson’s first major. The sports world would not have been asking the same questions. Instead of, “How has Phil maintained his greatness for so long?” it would be something like, “Who is this guy that could muster such belief and confidence in his game after years of insignificance?”

First of all, congratulations to Mickelson for accomplishing such an impressive feat. Nonetheless, picture a headline in your favorite news feed that says, “100 Year-old Man Becomes Father of First Child with Barren 90 Year-old Wife.”

Your age means nothing to God when his plans include your faithfulness.
This is part of the story of our faith. As many of you know, a man named Abraham was promised by an invisible, yet-to-be-named God that he and his wife would have a son and “that in him all the nations of the earth will be blessed” (Genesis 18:18). Abraham and his wife, Sarah, were skeptical of this promise, but for some reason, even when their faith waned, God honored his promise, and gave them a son. When he did, Abraham’s faith was emboldened, and he remained faithful throughout his days despite his previous mistakes.

Their son, Isaac, eventually became the father of Esau and Jacob. Notwithstanding a story of lies and deception, God continued his plan through Jacob’s descendants that produced the twelve tribes of Israel. The story continues until the eventual outcome is the nation of Israel and the lineage of Jesus, the one who would bless the entire world by bringing it into a redeemed relationship with the faithful Creator God.

Back to golf, did you ever think that when a frustrated Phil Mickelson created an intentional violation of the rules at the 2018 US Open at Shinnecock Hills by striking a moving ball, he would ever win another major? Now, he has earned a five-year exemption into the US Open to continue his quest for the career Grand Slam.

I am not making a prediction of Phil’s future; however, I think the golf world has seen the seemingly impossible happen. This was not prophesied by the God of truth, but it should remind us that God has plans for all of us regardless of our age. It should make us curious about what God has in store for us in his kingdom plans. “‘And it shall be in the last days,’ God says, ‘That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; and your sons and your daughters will prophesy, and your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams’” (Acts 2:17).

I am confident that God still has amazing plans for everyone focused on his kingdom, and it may defy the Vegas odds or your wildest expectations. Your age means nothing to God when his plans include your faithfulness.

Josh Nelson
June 14, 2021
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Image by Jan Lasota from Pixabay

Links Players
Pub Date: June 14, 2021

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