< Daily Devotions

God’s Miraculous Timing

June 1, 2021

He has made everything appropriate in its time. (Ecclesiastes 3:11, NASB)

There is a Links Fellowship at Eagle’s Bluff in deep East Texas. Bullard, to be exact. This community is blessed with a championship golf course and some families that love God. Just 150 yards to the left of the eighteenth green sits a magnificent chapel resting on 2.226 acres. This chapel is in an idyllic setting for many to get quiet and still and experience spiritual growth.

Now, the rest of the story and God’s miraculous timing.

Enter Ted, who thought he and his wife were going to live out their golden years at Eagle’s Bluff. They deserved this time in their lives.

But in 2017, the oncologist had some different news for them, and the doctor was not optimistic about Ted’s prognosis of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. It was stage 4 and had spread to an inoperable mass in his chest and into his bones. As Ted started his first chemo treatment, he had a seizure and blanked out. A day later he woke up in the hospital with no pain, no fright, and no worry. His first words to his wife there at his bedside were, “We have work to do. We need to build God’s church. We can start with the kids, the grandkids, and the great grandkids.” You see, Ted had an encounter with God while he was asleep. He had been rather lukewarm in his faith journey, but this encounter got his attention. He wrote these words in his journal after the encounter:

The Lord and I had a talk today. I asked him, “Lord, show me the way. I’m a dirt bag sinner, and I don’t deserve a single blessing I’ve had on this earth. Five beautiful children and an incredible wife; most folks would say we have a wonderful life. But I’ve failed you, Lord, in so many ways.”

Ted realized God had a plan for him, and that it’s never too late to start God’s work until it’s too late. He knew he had things to do, but there was still this issue of the cancer. Ted then completed 36 straight weeks of radiation, and by God’s miracle and grace, today he is cancer free. During these hours of radiation, Ted had ample time to think and pray, which led to the idea of building a physical church at Eagle’s Bluff near the eighteenth green. So he stepped out in faith.

Ted contacted the developer and owner of the property and asked for a little parcel of land. The owner looked at the plan and said, “I don’t see how this will work. You need a bigger piece. Take this whole area, 2.226 acres.” The dream started to unfold.

Another miraculous part of this story began when unsolicited donations came from the most unlikely sources. With this money, the chapel was constructed. Only God could orchestrate the many needs that were met. God provides when done his way.

Now new life begins. Not just the new chapel in the woods, but the building of the body of believers who use this magnificent gift from God every week. Not only does the Links Fellowship meet there every Wednesday morning, but many other groups use this facility as well. They also made a decision to not have Sunday services there, so as not to compete with the local churches. That choice has been well received in the community.

And Ted? Well, he is still a work in progress. He thanks God every day for the cancer that led to a life change. We all have work to do, but God provides the miraculous timing. We plan, and God directs our steps. Just like God intended when we step out in faith.

Randy Wolff
June 2, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: June 1, 2021

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.