< Daily Devotions

Second Chances

April 6, 2021

Who is a God like You, who pardons wrongdoing and passes over a rebellious act of the remnant of His possession? He does not retain His anger forever, because He delights in mercy. (Micah 7:18, NASB)

Hi, my name is Randy, and I am a sinner.

My life, like yours, has been full of second chances. Not a second chance, but many second chances. I have been ultimately forgiven and eternally redeemed. That is why I can move on in spite of my sin. So can you.

Last month, I wrote a devotion entitled, “Abortion and the Attributes of God.” That devotion dealt with God’s words in Scripture about when life begins and what happens to the souls of aborted babies. Today I want to shed some light on the rest of the story.

To write this devotion, I sought help from Barbara Jacobus, the wife of Marty Jacobus, our region director in the Palm Springs. Barbara spent 10 years working at a pro-life medical clinic, where she served as the executive director. The staff counseled many women and their families after an abortion. A life-altering unplanned pregnancy can seem completely overwhelming, so some turn down this road. But Barbara found that trusting in the attributes of God can change the trajectory of broken lives. She and her team would say to each family, “It may be too late to have a good beginning, but it’s never too late to have a good ending.”

Many people have been personally impacted by abortion. Maybe you. Jesus is there, extending forgiveness.
A young patient at their clinic told the story of her 90-year-old great-grandmother, who had an abortion when she was a young woman. Now on her deathbed, she was wracked with an accumulated 67 years of guilt, shame, and fear. The elderly woman agreed to a visit from one of the staff from the clinic. They tenderly shared the forgiveness and freedom Jesus purchased for this dear woman at the cross. At 90, this dying woman received the free gift of grace, trusting in Jesus. This great-grandmother entered eternity 10 days later, full of joy and confidence in Jesus’ mercy, love, and forgiveness. At the clinic, they rejoiced in her salvation and redoubled their commitment to reach more post-abortive men and women with the good news that they can be forgiven and set free.

Many people have been personally impacted by abortion. Maybe you. Jesus is there, extending forgiveness. I personally know some who have asked for this forgiveness and are now living abundantly in the new life. It makes so much sense when we look at the attributes of God—compassion, mercy, grace, and new life. That is who our God is.

I conclude with a quote from Max Lucado who summarizes second chances so well:

Story after story, surprise after surprise. Seems that God is looking more for ways to get us home than for ways to keep us out. I challenge you to find one soul who came to God seeking grace and did not find it. Search the pages, read the stories. Find one person who came seeking a second chance and left with a stern lecture. I dare you! You won’t find it. (When God Whispers Your Name)

That is who God is. He loves to give grace and second chances. That I know for sure.

Randy Wolff
April 6, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Image by buy_me_some_coffee from Pixabay

Links Players
Pub Date: April 6, 2021

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.