< Daily Devotions

Spiritual Checkup

January 25, 2021

Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. (Romans 12:11, NIV)

Confession time.

I’m never late for a tee time. If it’s a competitive round, I’ll be there in plenty of time to stretch and hit balls. If it’s a casual round, I might cut it close but I’ll still be ready to peg it when it’s my turn to hit.

Why do I not give church that much respect? Why am I content strolling in after the music starts? Isn’t worship our way of honoring God and not our opportunity to assess how we “got fed” in church?

Sorry. I’m getting ahead of myself.

If you’re like me, you probably have a “swing thoughts” document. You know, the golf ball display rack equivalent of swing tips collected over time. As my game deteriorates each winter due to course conditions (it can’t be me, right?), I dust off that doc looking for clues.

A quick glance just revealed two things that have been missing: swinging inside to out rather than pulling across my body and chipping with an 8-iron on dormant greenside bermuda. (Note: I’m a devotional writer, not a golf instructor, so don’t try this at home.)

I love bringing Jesus into the conversation on the golf course by referring to the length of putts in cubits.I do a similar spiritual wellness check about this time each year—thus, the self-loathing about my tardiness to church.

Ever find yourself slipping into a spiritual malaise? Like a good caddie’s encouragement on the golf course, today’s verse can serve as a pep talk.

So how can one recapture lost spiritual fervor? For today let’s focus on the LINKS acrostic with some specific, albeit admittedly “out there” examples.

Love God and others – Did you know the Golden Rule appears in the Bible twice (Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31)? Sprinkle that fact into an interaction and see where it leads.

Integrate Christ’s reign and integrity into all of life – Are you a spiritual chameleon? Do you act different in church vs. at work, home, or on the golf course? If so, ask yourself why.

Network friends together in Christ – I’m probably speaking to myself with this one, but instead of settling for the repeated man nod in church, take the initiative and invite that guy to coffee. Maybe you’ll even call him by name next Sunday.

Kindle compassion for the poor and needy – Think of someone from the front row of a recent funeral and their new life without their loved one. Did you know those pocket devices are for more than grammarless texts? They make outbound calls, too.

Share Christ through the great game of golf – I love bringing Jesus into the conversation on the golf course by referring to the length of putts in cubits (18 inches), a measurement used in biblical times. Talk about a door opener!

I’ll close with a corny quatrain.

These are only meant to be a cue
you must find a style that works for you.

Consider this to be my appeal
to ensure you’re not lacking in zeal.

Serving the Lord, that is.

Drew Hamilton
January 25, 2021
Copyright 2021 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo from Reshot

Drew Hamilton
Pub Date: January 25, 2021

About The Author

After gaining experience in business, nonprofit leadership, and small group ministry, Drew Hamilton began as North Texas region director for Links Players in 2018.