< Daily Devotions

The Wonders of God’s Hand

December 17, 2020

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handwork. (Psalm 19:1, ESV)

My appreciation for growing up in Indiana is not lost on me. I knew nothing different than flat land and changes in seasons. Now each day I wake up in sunny, southeast Florida where the only seasons we have are warm and really warm. The sun, palm trees, ocean, and iguanas continually amaze me and bring me joy. Of course, I still have soft spot for Indiana, as growing up there helps me admire any change in topography.

From the mountains to the desert to the Pacific Coast, the East Coast, the North, the Deep South, and even the Midwest, the United States truly is beautiful and so are several of the countless golf courses in each region. Regardless of whether you live in the US or elsewhere, you probably have a preferred course style—a certain grass you are most comfortable hitting shots from or views that you take for granted.

Course architects are challenged to utilize the natural terrain as much as possible. Some pieces of land require little alteration for a spectacular course to be built, while others require a great deal of shifting and transformation.

When I see what humans are capable of building and designing, I am reminded that God is the original and chief architect of life and everything good in this universe. We have examples of God’s handiwork all around us in nature. Whether it is an alligator in a nearby pond eyeing our golf ball, the deer taking in the nice approach shots, the birds singing at a great putt, or the sunset highlighting our crushing drive, we have countless examples we see on the golf course.

The better we know our Designer, the more we understand our purpose. We are all a part of a greater story that gives glory to the Father.As people, we are made in the image of God and are pointers to God with our skill sets, whether that is in designing golf courses, teaching kids, running a business, taking care of patients, or being a chef. The abilities we have were given to us for a reason.

We can choose whether we want the focus and attention to go to ourselves or elsewhere. As Christ-followers, we live and work wholeheartedly for God, not for the approval of others. Of course, others may appreciate your work or enjoy being around you, but don’t let it stop there. Share with them that the God of the universe loves them, cares for them, has a plan for their life and has equipped them with the skills and abilities they have for a reason.

The better we know our Designer, the more we understand our purpose. We are all a part of a greater story that gives glory to the Father. We get to be included in the redemption story that showcases God’s power, majesty, holiness, love, grace, forgiveness, and faithfulness.

May the mundane, the visual wonders of nature, or a picturesque course remind you of the work God is doing in your life and in those around you to show his glory. As a master architect, he knows better than anyone that everything has a purpose.

Aimee Neff
December 17, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay

Ryan Wong
Pub Date: December 17, 2020

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