< Daily Devotions

In Christ’s Steps

May 21, 2020

To this you were called, because Christ suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. (1 Peter 2:21, NIV)

The best athletes are often students of their sport. Quarterback Tom Brady includes watching film as one of his favorite hobbies. The late Kobe Bryant studied the game’s greats and picked his hero Michael Jordan’s mind on nearly everything, from how he shot his jump shot to how he physically handled himself against bigger players. Tiger Woods grew up tracking Jack Nicklaus’ records and striving to be like him, Arnold Palmer, and Lee Trevino. Annika Sorenstam in the prime of her career told coach Pia Nilsson, “Please keep telling me things that can make me better.”

Recently, a player on our team at FAU (Florida Atlantic University) decided to read the Rules of Golf during her spare time. A small thing to note, but wise, as she truly wants to be the very best and knowing the rules will help her in her decision making and confidence on the course when she finds herself in tricky or unwanted circumstances.

Yet there is one, fully God and fully man, who is our ultimate example.Whether it is the best athletes, teachers, lawyers, doctors, or whoever is top in your respected field, you can learn from and emulate them. The disciplines they have and how they spend their time play a large part in their success.

As followers of Christ, we have the holy and inerrant Bible that serves as a letter from God. In it, we have heroes of the faith that we look up to—David, Job, Esther, Ruth, Paul, John, Mary, Peter. Beyond that, we stand on the shoulders of the saints that have labored and toiled before us—Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, George Whitefield, Elisabeth Elliot, and many more who shared what they learned from their time spent in the word and seeking God.

Yet there is one, fully God and fully man, who is our ultimate example. Jesus is our only hope, for without him we are separated from God because of our sin. Born a baby and growing as a man who was tempted by sin, Jesus was surrounded by brokenness and yet lived the perfect life. Because of his perfect life and his death and resurrection, we can have what our hearts long for: forgiveness, peace, love, and redemption.

God is after our hearts and a relationship with each one of us. He hardwired you and me with varying skill sets, interests and gifts, all to serve and glorify him. Love God and be thankful for the desires you have. I challenge you today to consider what you want to be great at doing. Whom do you want to emulate? What we behold, we become. May you and I first behold the Lord and remember him as we seek to serve him, whatever our craft may be.

Aimee Neff
May 21, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Alex Wigan on Unsplash

Ryan Wong
Pub Date: May 21, 2020

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