< Daily Devotions

Relating to God 5: Those Who Obey God

May 8, 2020

Jesus replied, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” (John 14:23, NIV)

How’s your obedience quotient these days? Likely it has been tested in these strange times of shutdowns and home stays. Golfers aren’t immune. When states that required the closure of courses started enforcing the rules, a lot of questions arose. Even those who were willing to keep away wanted to know why they couldn’t play their beloved game as long they were keeping their distance from others.

In other arenas, some were blatantly defiant. The infamous reports from Florida’s beaches, where revelers had no intention of social distancing during their spring break parties, revealed the sinner’s nature that arises within us when we’re told what to do. We resist, in spirit if not in action.

The primary reason we should obey the Lord is because it shows that we love him.For those who profess to follow Jesus, however, obedience is not an option. This does not mean we don’t choose it, of course. Even the apostle Paul notably said that he at times did what he did not want to do. Temptation called his name and disobedience kicked in. What God wanted was not what Paul did. Now can I get a “Been there, done that”? I’m sure I can. Because for all of us, even when the spirit is willing, the flesh can be weak.

In our relationship with God, he is the rule-giver, and we are meant to be the rule-followers. That may sound prudish to you, but in truth there is nothing more prudent. If God created the world and those of us who live in it, then he knows how it works best and how we work best. We may think we have some pretty good ideas, but if they’re not God’s ideas, they will send us right down the path of trouble.

Jesus told his disciples that they had reason to obey the commands he had given them. But his most compelling reason was not a pragmatic one. It was not only that the ways of God are wise and life-giving. Instead, the primary reason we should obey the Lord is because it shows that we love him.

Nearly as compelling is the promise Jesus offered in return: The obedient would know the love and presence of God. The subjects of a king who recognize and receive his loving benevolence decreasingly ask why they must do what he tells them. They do it because they love him, too.

Jeff Hopper
May 8, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Relating to God 1: Relationships
Relating to God 2: Those Who Believe
Relating to God 3: Those Who Love God
Relating to God 4: Those Who Honor God
Relating to God 6: Those Who Sit With God
Relating to God 7: Those Who Cry Out
Relating to God 8: Those Who Praise God
Relating to God 9: Those Who Serve God
Relating to God 10: Those Who Glorify God

Links Players
Pub Date: May 8, 2020

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.