< Daily Devotions


February 4, 2020

Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life. (Proverbs 4:23, NASB)

Are you a casual golfer or are you committed? I know, golf is just a hobby for most of you and you enjoyed it for a variety of reasons. That’s fine. In the end, golf is just a game for a season. Life is eternal for a reason.

Are you a casual Christian or are you committed? I know, it may be too early in the day to start meddling in your affairs and asking such personal questions. But it is a good question—are we committed to this spiritual life with God or are we just playing religion? This answer is really a heart issue, and it determines who we are becoming. John Ortberg said, “If I am going to become the man I want to be, I have to start being honest with the me I am.” How we see everything is determined by who we are. True children of God see God in all of life. Saying yes to God changes everything.

Bret loves his calling. It all started when he said yes to God.Bret is a friend and fellow golfer who has been involved in our Links Fellowship here in Texas for years. He tells a story of a missionary who came to their local church when he was in high school to raise funds and encourage others to join him. Bret thought, “No way, I am not going to become a missionary. That’s the last thing I want to do. No, not me.” He felt the missionary was looking right at him. It was convicting. For months he could not get this out of his mind. He was mowing the grass one Saturday morning, and he felt God was talking to him about being a missionary. Disgustedly, he stopped the mower, looked up in the sky, and shouted to God, “Well, OK, I will be a missionary!” At that moment, Bret said that he felt God say to him, “I don’t want you to be a missionary. I just don’t want you to tell me no.”

Saying yes to God does not mean saying yes to everything. Say yes to God and then ask, “Now what do you want me to do? Where is my lane and how can I grow closer to you? You have gifted me to use the skills you have given me. I know this is important, so I am going to need a little help and direction here.” Don’t you think a God who loves us beyond measure and created you for a purpose would not reveal this answer to you? I think he would. And, his answer would be for the benefit of others more so than just self-fulfillment.

Bret is now using his gifts in a high school ministry and travels every year with all these kids to build and repair homes in impoverished areas in south Texas and Mexico. He loves his calling. His calling makes him smile. It all started when he said yes to God. God put him where his unique skills and the world’s need intersected.

Soren Kierkegaard said, “Now with God’s help, I shall become myself.” Saying yes to God will enable you to become who he had in mind when he made the original you. Say yes to God and hold on for the ride of your life! It changes everything. All earthly delights are greater in expectation than reality. All spiritual delights are greater in reality than expectation—and last forever. Say yes today. It is so worth it.

Randy Wolff
February 4, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Gavin Mills from FreeImages

Links Players
Pub Date: February 4, 2020

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.