< Daily Devotions

Changes, Big and Little

January 8, 2020

Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy. (Ephesians 4:24, NLT)

We begin 2020 with a big change in the handicap system for amateur golfers. The more you play, the more you’ll notice it, because now your handicap will be updated after every round you play.

The round-by-round adjustment is one of several noticeable differences in the system, but it might be the most exciting, especially for a few Links Players I know who play six days a week. They should have a lot fun tracking the little changes in their stats in only a week or so. (If you want to know more about how these changes might affect you, give this link a look.)

Of course, with the new year, you may be looking for a different kind of change with your game. Who doesn’t want to improve? My best lesson came from a retired school teacher many years ago. I would always try to hit my drives longer, buying new drivers and paying for more lessons. I wanted to reach the long par-4s in regulation. One day, my friend said, “50 yards and in.” I said, “What do you mean?” He told me to practice my short game from 50 yards and in. Wedges, 9-irons, even 8- and 7-irons. “Learn the pitch and run, the flop shot, and the rest,” he told me. So I changed my game plan to get the best possible results from around the green. I found out that you can make par from just about anywhere!

When you enter into relationship with Jesus, he gives you his Spirit to live inside you and ignite changes.The best changes I ever see, though, are the changes that come in the heart of a man or woman who has come to know Jesus Christ. I witnessed this several times over in 2019, and I’m praying for more in 2020.

Jesus said we need a faith the size of only a mustard seed (Matthew 17:20). A mustard seed is very small, but after it is nurtured it becomes one of the largest plants in the garden. This is the way the life of Christ works in a person. Day One might look like nothing at all. But when even the smallest faith is nurtured by conversation with God in prayer and conversations with others around the Bible in communities like Links Fellowships, it stands a great chance of fruitful growth!

Paul’s words to the Ephesians—start anew in the nature of Christ—are all about change. When you enter into relationship with Jesus, he gives you his Spirit to live inside you and ignite changes. You’ll become more like Jesus, living more righteously and holy.

As we ended last year looking to this one, I heard some of our Links Players say they want to do more with their three T’s (time, talent, and treasures) for God’s Kingdom. Until now, they have been doing so much for themselves and the attractions of this world. They want to change. I like to hear that, but can I tell you something? If the change starts small and only a few can see it, I’m not worried. Good things take time to grow. Let’s just be faithful in the changes we are making and in the way we encourage others as they make changes, too.

Dereck Wong
January 8, 2020
Copyright 2020 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Image by Don Taylor from Pixabay

Links Players
Pub Date: January 8, 2020

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.