< Daily Devotions

More Than Medals

July 24, 2019

Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love Him. (James 1:12, NASB)

On Sunday, one of the most recognized trophies in golf was awarded to the Champion Golfer of the Year. The Claret Jug is known for being etched on-site as soon as the winner is decided.

The Ryder Cup has become another trophy which players and captains fight and claw to win. A whole team of hands hoists that trophy.

And most golfers recognize the Augusta National clubhouse as the trophy for the annual Masters champion—though better known is the Masters green jacket.

Maybe you have competed for a prize at your club, as the champion or the invitational winner. There’s a feeling of satisfaction when you attain a trophy by way of victory. But it’s hardly the ultimate prize in life.

Christian music artist Russ Taff released a song in 1985 called “Medals.” The lyrics, which speak of Jesus, include this chorus:

Heroes come
And heroes go
He had no medals
A hand that never made a fist
A story line without a twist
He had no medals
A man of love
A man of peace
And he will fight for your release

The idea of course is that the greatest hero on earth never received a medal. His victory instead secured the hearts of men and women who believe in him. In this way, we are his medals.

What we want is for people to know without a doubt that we were believers, that we trusted fully in Jesus.In following Christ’s example, our own lives should be about much more than trophies, however prestigious or historic they are. As lights to the world and cities on hills (Matthew 5:14), we should represent the change Jesus can make in sinful, hurting people. This will require patience and perseverance; we will live through our trials and those of others. But if we can do this, James wrote, an amazing promise awaits us.

When your days on earth are over, you won’t be awarded a trophy, but like golf’s greats, you will leave a legacy. What will it be? Great husband, father, son, daughter, brother, sister?  Faithful disciple, teacher, servant, or encourager? What we want is for people to know without a doubt that we were believers, that we trusted fully in Jesus.

The promised crown of life about which James wrote is followed in our Bibles by Jesus’ charge in Revelation: “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10).

Jesus was awarded no medals. Maybe we won’t win any prizes either. But he attained the crown of life, and we can, too. I’ll take that crown over a trophy any day!

Bill Euler
July 24, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by michael gardner from FreeImages

Ryan Wong
Pub Date: July 24, 2019

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