< Daily Devotions

A Mission in Life 9: Handing Off the Work

March 1, 2019

Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity. (1 Timothy 4:12, NIV)

Growing the game. In this simple phrase, we find reference to both an initiative and a practice. As an initiative, some of the game’s influential bodies, including the USGA, the R&A, and the various professional tours around the world, make an effort to engage new golfers, young and old. They may do so with promotional campaigns, player appearances, and even creative products or golf-like experiences, such as Topgolf.

As a matter of practice, though, all of us who play should have an interest in growing the game. We love the sport, and it is a game well-shared with others, because players of different levels can play fairly comfortably with one another. More than this, so many of us were in essence given the game by previous generations, and we take pleasure in passing on the game as it was passed on to us.

We must always be prepared to pass on not only the faith we have been given but the work, too.You might say that we do best to possess the same kind of motivation when it comes to the gospel. Jesus’ death and resurrection have changed us from the inside out. Our hearts have been transformed. To keep a secret of such a wonder makes no sense at all!

So we must make common consideration of seeing God’s kingdom grow. We want more and more people to enjoy the life we have in Christ, both among our generation and in the generations to come. But forgive me if what comes next sounds like chastisement. The old are often the greatest obstacle to the young connecting with Jesus. We want our pews and our music and our preaching and our fellowship to be a certain way, right up to the day we die. And in contending for our wants, we fail to ignite, let alone raise up leaders among, the next generation.

Paul had none of this. In his later days, he was still writing to young men, instructing and exhorting them, handing off the work to those who would carry it forward. Without Paul, much of what has been conveyed to us may not have been. But without Timothy and Titus and other young leaders, the church would have struggled to gain traction in that second generation of Christ’s followers.

We must always be prepared to pass on not only the faith we have been given but the work, too. Others need to join us in both believing and ministering, so we must include and engage them wholeheartedly, for heaven’s sake.

Jeff Hopper
March 1, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

A Mission in Life 1: How God Moves Us
A Mission in Life 2: Ministry and Mission
A Mission in Life 3: Supported by Prayer
A Mission in Life 4: Speaking the Language
A Mission in Life 5: Crossing Cultures
A Mission in Life 6: Nimble Action
A Mission in Life 7: Friendship Building
A Mission in Life 8: Sustained Commitment

Links Players
Pub Date: March 1, 2019

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.