< Daily Devotions

Trained Eyes

February 25, 2019

…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. (Hebrews 12:2, NASB)

Do you ever have a problem looking up on a shot? If you are skilled player, the answer is probably no, or not very often. If you are new to the game or don’t play all that frequently, you may have more of a problem keeping your eye on the ball than you’d like.

While technology reveals that it’s nearly impossible to see the ball at impact, the old idea sticks: watch the ball! We all know that even the slightest shift in focus during a swing can cost us dearly. So better players often look at a particular spot on their ball, like the top, front, back, or even one of the dimples.

When I was learning the game as a young teenager, and I sent the ball dribbling down the fairway, my father reminded me, “You need to keep your eye on ball, son.” When I did, the results were always better. Even today when I’m on the range or have just hit a poor shot during a round, I find myself saying, “Keep your eye on the ball.”

It is easy for us to look for peace, pleasure, material happiness, or contentment in all the wrong places.Unlike some of our other Links Players staff, I am not a trained “backswing watcher.” I’ve never been a teaching professional. But after retiring from business, I was fortunate to help with several Fellowship of Christian Athletes golf camps. I’ve also watched numerous very good instructors teach kids and adults how to swing a golf club. Hand-eye coordination is essential to making good contact and thus you must “fix your eyes on the ball.” Even when you are putting—unless you’re one of the very few who look at the hole—you line up your putt and then watch the ball through contact. In fact, you might wait to hear the ball go in before looking up.

The attention of your eyes is very important when playing golf. There is a spiritual correlation to this as well.

Newer members of the faith often let the cares and distractions of the world creep in; they forget the answers to our everyday wants and desires can readily be found in the Bible. Even as more mature followers of Jesus, we do well if we do as the writer of Hebrews instructs—namely, “fix your eyes on Jesus.” In a world full information, expectations and wants, it is easy for us to look for peace, pleasure, material happiness, or contentment in all the wrong places.

As followers of Jesus we need to stay focused on the Scriptures and trust that when we do, the result is always better. No matter what our current circumstances may be, we should look to Jesus and trust the Holy Spirit in everything we do. So where are you today, friend? What challenge or joy is at your doorstep? Where will you fix your eyes?

Marty Jacobus
February 25, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Photo by Mstudio from Pexels

Links Players
Pub Date: February 25, 2019

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.