< Daily Devotions

A Mission in Life 6: Nimble Action

February 8, 2019

“Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves. Do not take a purse or bag or sandals; and do not greet anyone on the road.” (Luke 10:3-4, NIV)

Here in California, from where I write, we’re not often worried about weather when we play golf. If it’s going to be one of those days, we stay inside. This is probably true of golfers everywhere—it’s just that their definition of bad weather differs!

But what I mean is that a Sunday bag can be carried pretty much every day where the weather is predictable. You know Sunday bags. They’re only six inches across at the mouth, and not much bigger at the bottom. You can probably stuff all 14 of your clubs into one, but they’re designed for lighter travel. I don’t know if it’s only lore, but the Sunday bag was meant to be this way, for it was first carried by club players on Sundays, when the caddies were given the Sabbath away from their usual work. If you wanted to play, you had to schlep your own sticks.

Schlepping is no one’s favorite. When I travel these days, I notice that wheeled suitcases outnumber unwheeled ones perhaps twenty to one.

Humility builds bridges, and not being fully provisioned makes me humble.In recent weeks, we have been talking about ways to share the story of Christ’s life planted in you when salvation came knocking on your door. Today we take up an idea that has two applications.

Traveling light, as the expression goes, makes perfect sense for the tourist, especially when venturing far afield. Who needs to move the unnecessary weight? But it makes sense relationally as well. When I don’t go with everything I need—just as Jesus sent out his disciples to minister and to preach—I become dependent on the assistance of those where I am going. And in asking for their help, I forge a connection with them that can lead to friendship and conversation. Humility builds bridges, and not being fully provisioned makes me humble.

But here is a second consideration: I don’t need lots of theological weight either. We all know the unhappy experience of being “dumped on” in a conversation. When I travel theologically light, I get to what matters sooner: the core of the gospel, that Jesus died for our sins and rose for our eternal salvation.
What do you need when reaching out to others? Take only that. Trust God for the rest.

Jeff Hopper
February 8, 2019
Copyright 2019 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

A Mission in Life 1: How God Moves Us
A Mission in Life 2: Ministry and Mission
A Mission in Life 3: Supported by Prayer
A Mission in Life 4: Speaking the Language
A Mission in Life 5: Crossing Cultures
A Mission in Life 7: Friendship Building
A Mission in Life 8: Sustained Commitment
A Mission in Life 9: Handing Off the Work

Links Players
Pub Date: February 8, 2019

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.