< Daily Devotions

Ascending: Together in Christ

September 5, 2018

How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! (Psalm 133:1, NIV)

Golf, contrary to the common understanding, is quite often not an individual sport. There’s no passing involved, where we catch and throw among us. We don’t establish defensive sets to best protect the other side from scoring. But when we start pairing up, we find ourselves in a game with an alternate mindset. We play holes differently because of our partner’s circumstances, and we experience disappointment and celebration more acutely.

More than this, the partnerships can switch rather quickly. In one version of a Saturday foursome, you change partners every six holes, eventually joining forces with each of the other three. A friend one hole becomes an opponent the next. If your group is comfortable with ribbing one another, the ironic laughter that comes when the ribbing suddenly changes targets can make for a fun afternoon.

No matter how serious or laidback the scenario, though, we see in the team game how important unity among partners can be.

Maybe this is too convenient a segue, but unity is a special commodity in the kingdom of God as well, in the community of believers we call the body of Christ.

We are a poor people if we relegate this beauty only to the future. David saw it in his present time. We can too.If you have ever committed yourself to a stretching routine, you understand the difficulties of trying to get one half of your body to go in this direction while simultaneously reaching in the opposite direction with the other half. It takes time to condition your body to work together. In the same way, when people in the body of Christ, with their different giftings and perspectives, come together for kingdom work, an uncomfortable twisting and turning often ensues as we get used to one another. This is where the spiritual fruit of patience is well-applied among us.

But look at today’s opening verse from the short song of ascent that is Psalm 133. David declared excellence over this picture: “…when God’s people live together in unity.” It is a good and pleasant thing. Striving for unity is a rewarding endeavor.

If you are already familiar with this psalm, you may also remember the simile David employed in describing this unity. It is, he wrote, like precious oil poured on the head and running down the beard of Aaron, the high priest. It seems an odd comparison, but this was no ordinary oil. In Exodus 30, we discover that this oil was a blend of olive oil and four spices: myrrh, cinnamon, cane, and cassia. No one of these spices alone made the oil holy for the anointing. It took four, according to the outline of the Lord himself.

The people of God will come from “every nation, tribe, people and language” to stand “before the throne and before the Lamb” (Revelation 7:9). They will be united in their awe and in their worship. But we are a poor people if we relegate this beauty only to the future. David saw it in his present time. We can too. Let us commit, as the people of Christ, to do something good and pleasant; let us commit to living together in unity.

Jeff Hopper
September 5, 2018
Copyright 2018 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Ascending: Common Complaints (Psalm 120)
Ascending: In God’s Care (Psalm 121)
Ascending: Joy and Peace in Fellowship (Psalm 122)
Ascending: The Mercy We Need (Psalm 123)
Ascending: How Great An Escape (Psalm 124)
Ascending: Stark Lines (Psalm 125)
Ascending: Sorrow and Joy (Psalm 126)
Ascending: Work and Home (Psalm 127)
Ascending: ‘Blessed’ (Psalm 128)
Ascending: Set Free (Psalm 129)
Ascending: Finding Forgiveness (Psalm 130)
Ascending: Our Waiting, Impatient Soul (Psalm 131)
Ascending: Despite Our Sin (Psalm 132)
Ascending: Earth to Heaven, Heaven to Earth (Psalm 134)

Links Players
Pub Date: September 5, 2018

About The Author

Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.