< Daily Devotions

A Life Finished Well

September 4, 2018

If you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved; for with the heart a person believes, resulting in righteousness, and with the mouth he confesses, resulting in salvation. (Romans 10:9-10, NASB)

This past month I attended the funeral for Bruce Lietzke in Athens, Texas. He was 67 years of age when he died of a brain cancer. He and I grew up together in Beaumont, Texas, although I am a few years older. Bruce started the Tour in 1975, and I have always been a fan of his. So many have admired his dedication to family first and then golf. He combined the two like no one else. He has always been an easy man to like. He was also very good on the golf course, winning 21 times and amassing close to $14,000,000 in winnings.

This humble man was asked this question in an interview, “If you were a car, what car would you be?” The journalist knew his love for cars. Bruce answered, “I think I would be an El Camino. Half car and half truck. Kinda like my golf game. Not very pretty, but it is effective.” Bruce was a man who did it his way.

He wanted the world to know and especially his fellow pros. He wanted to confess Jesus with his mouth.But here is the rest of the story. Bruce always had a faith and lived a moral life, putting his family first. His brother caddied for him. Another brother was his coach. He scheduled his PGA Tour stops around times he could be with his family. He coached his son’s golf team and traveled to tournaments with them. He loved this part of life.

But something happened along the way. Bruce faithfully attended the Bible study on the PGA Tour Champions, led by Tom Randall. He heard Tom talk about priority and letting others know of your deep faith in Jesus. Our faith is personal, but it should not be private. Our scripture today from Romans 10 spoke loudly to Bruce. He wanted the world to know and especially his fellow pros. He wanted to confess Jesus with his mouth.

Bruce then asked Tom Randall if he would baptize him and his wife, Rose. The next Tour stop was Austin, Texas. They arranged for the baptism to occur in the pool of his good friend Ben Crenshaw. So many of Bruce’s friends on Tour attended. After the baptism, Tom Randall told the story of the truth that came alive after Bruce realized what he had done. He told Tom, “You know all these years I have put family first and that was good, but now I realize it is God first. It is a matter of priority.”

Don’t we see this? If we put God before family in the right priority, then we are put in a position to offer our family the most important gift they will ever receive: the gift of salvation through Jesus. I know, they have to accept the gift and each one is responsible for that important choice, but when we do it right and put God first, they see up close how wonderful this gift really is in the eternal context.

Bruce’s family saw this gift of love played out in Bruce’s life. A sister and a son and a brother testified to this at the funeral, as well as his incredible wife, who shared his baptism. So did he best friend. A life that started well in Beaumont, Texas, ended well. Those of us who love Jesus and have accepted his free gift will see Bruce again. God promised, and he fulfills his promise. Bruce experiences that gift today. If you have that faith, tell the world about it. Bruce did, and he is eternally grateful.

Randy Wolff
September 4, 2018
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Links Players
Pub Date: September 4, 2018

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