< Daily Devotions

Learning from the Legends

July 23, 2018

All that generation also were gathered to their fathers; and there arose another generation after them who did not know the Lord, nor yet the work which He had done for Israel. (Judges 2:10, NASB)

We are blessed in Texas to have had a wealth of golf legends. Jimmy Demaret and Jackie Burke in Houston, Lee Trevino in Dallas, Ben Crenshaw and Tom Kite in Austin. Trevino serves as an inspiration to the public player, as he learned how to compete with the best professionals in the world. Crenshaw will stand as one of the best putters in the history of golf. Kite had less natural ability but worked his way into becoming a US Open Champion.

Gary tells the men at Temple Bible Church that if our families don’t know our testimonies when we die, that he is going to thump us on our dead heads. Who wants a thumping from their pastor?Byron Nelson and Ben Hogan grew up in Fort Worth and caddied at the Glen Garden Country Club. While Mr. Nelson was outgoing and very friendly, Mr. Hogan was reserved and preferred to stay out of the spotlight. If you followed the two Texans, you generally knew that about both men. If you studied Mr. Hogan, you also knew that his game was 100 percent manmade and self-taught. “It’s my honest opinion that Hogan had to strike three practice balls for every one that Nicklaus hit,” said contemporary Paul Runyan. “He was the most dedicated practicer of all time. His tenacity had no equal” (Golf Digest, March 1982). Hogan said his game was “dug out of the dirt.” No shortcuts, no luck involved, just hard work and competitive experience.

When my pastor, Gary DeSalvo brings up Judges 2:10, he always refers to it as one of the saddest verses in Scripture. After Israel had served the Lord all the days of Joshua and his generation, another generation arose who did not know God or what he had done for Israel. How could that happen? What distracted the Israelites? Gary tells the men at Temple Bible Church that if our families don’t know our testimonies when we die, that he is going to thump us on our dead heads. Who wants a thumping from their pastor?

God has put us here to glorify him and teach others about Jesus: “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20).

Just like Mr. Hogan has been an inspiration to so many golfers trying to improve, we all have life legends who inspire us to lead a godly life. Who are your life legends? Your parents, grandparents, a teacher, maybe a boss? Chances are their success in life came from hard work, not shortcuts and not luck. Our role is to emulate them, and in the process glorify God. My guess is many of you are already life legends. Keep up the good work!

Bill Euler
July 23, 2018
Copyright 2018 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Ryan Wong
Pub Date: July 23, 2018

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