< Daily Devotions

Making Room for God

April 11, 2018

But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things; but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:41-42, NASB)

What does the worst version of you look like on the golf course? Think about that. We all have an ugly answer. And why is that? I believe a good part of the answer is anxiety and insecurity.

I’ll go first. I was 12 years old and committed to playing golf. It was my life and I took it very seriously. Late one afternoon I was playing by myself and becoming more agitated and upset because of poor shots. I finally broke my club in anger. I was not finished. I then took one of the broken pieces and decided to throw it as far as I could. In so doing, the broken shaft sliced through my hand. Then it started to rain. I feel so foolish just writing about this, but you get the picture.

I don’t throw clubs anymore. I just sulk and withdraw from people. And why? Anxiety and insecurity.

What about the worst version of yourself in life and even spiritual matters? Again, for me it is when I think I have a lot to do and not much margin. A few weeks ago I slipped into that mode of trying to get everything completed for our fundraiser golf event. The finances. The auction. The pairings. I concentrated more on who was not coming and why I had not heard from others. Then I received a call from my good friend and board member in Houston. Rick calmed me down and reminded me that it was going to be a success and that God would be glorified that day. He reminded me that we already had in place what we needed. He said, “Randy, you are worried and bothered about so many things. Only one thing is necessary.”

I needed to make room for God. Amidst our anxiety and insecurity, we need to make room for God to do his mighty work. Our tendency in wanting to control the situation limits the room in which God works. We need to leave room for him. God had amply provided for this event the last nine years. He wasn’t going to quit now.

I intentionally stopped and made room for God that very moment. I intentionally pushed back the demands before me. I didn’t just take time but made room for God to do what he does best. I quit striving and simply sat still. Just like Mary who intentionally sat at the feet of Jesus.

I know, the preparation for the meal must be done, but time with Jesus relaxing at his feet and drawing in every transforming word is vitally more important. The meal will get accomplished in due time. There is always a time to get that physical nourishment needed to fuel our bodies. We need both physical and spiritual. A pastor friend told me, “We must get our pipes down deeper to that living water from whence we shall never thirst.” Living water takes time and attention and focus.

Like Mary, let’s simply choose the good part. All the other will be added unto us.

Randy Wolff
April 11, 2018
Copyright 2018 Links Players International
The Links Daily Devotional appears Monday-Friday at www.linksplayers.com.

Links Players
Pub Date: April 11, 2018

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Articles authored by Links Players are a joint effort of our staff or a staff member and a guest writer.