Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. (1 Corinthians 9:24-25, NIV)
Anyone who plays competitive golf knows in their heart that their goal is to win the prize. From the most elite players in the world to the amateur who plays in a local competition, the goal is the same. We all want to win. We want to receive the prize. All competitors also know that they won’t receive the prize unless they prepare with practice and training.
God’s goal for us is to receive not a temporary crown of victory for our achievements in this life but an eternal crown for a life lived in obedience to him.What greater goal is there than to receive the eternal crown that is promised to us at the end of the race we run every day with our lives? Is that prize the one we work the hardest to receive or do our other pursuits take precedent over the call on our life to love and serve God? Are the things we are doing everyday preparing and training us to run a race that we will not only finish but win?
We can allow God the access to our heart that allows him to train and empower us. If we do, we will run and we will finish the race to receive the reward that God holds in store for us. We cannot run the race in our own strength. We can only daily and moment by moment give God control of our life and allow him to use his strength and his power to help us to run the race.
God both motivates us to run and then empowers us to finish the race to receive the crown of victory that will last forever.
We are blessed with life, existence and a hope for the future because of what God has done for us through his Son Jesus. Let’s run hard to the goal. Charles Spurgeon very elegantly laid out this challenge for us: “Let present privilege awaken us to present duty, and now while life lasts, let us spend and be spent for our sweet Lord Jesus.”
We are made to achieve God’s purposes in our life. The reward for our obedience is a life of purpose and peace in the midst of whatever storm we are called to endure. At the end of our race we will be winners if we don’t lose heart and we allow our great trainer free rein (or free reign!) to do what only he can do for us. As every great competitor knows, success comes to those who see the goal clearest and are willing to work hardest to get there. God’s goal for us is to receive not a temporary crown of victory for our achievements in this life but an eternal crown for a life lived in obedience to him.
Linda Ballard
June 9, 2016
Copyright 2016 Links Players International
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